Thursday, February 10, 2011

Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation & Verification (ACE-V) and the Scientific Method

Recently I reviewed some testimony of a some fingerprint examiners where they explained the fingerprint verification process they used to come to their conclusion. What struck was the explanation of the process was cryptic and did not reference the scientific method that allows us to make our comparison decisions. If I were a juror or an officer of the court with limited knowledge of fingerprints the explanation of the verification process would sound more like a procedure than science. In Vol. 60 of the Journal of Forensic Identification there is a very good article from the FBI Latent Unit at Quantico that describes the fingerprint comparison process and its relationship to the scientific method. The reason that I feel this is so important is that if the examiner understands the scientific method and how ACE-V is incorporated in the process will enhance the examiners ability to explain the process to the jurors and the court.

The scientific method is the process used by scientists, a systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and forming of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment and the testing of ideas and theories by using experiments and careful observation.

The observations made are friction skin develops on the fetus and is persistent throughout life , friction skin is unique and finally ridge patterns vary within limits which allows for pattern classification. Based on the above it can be theorized that friction skin can be individualized our hypothesis.

The Analysis (A) and Comparison (C) of our minutiae would be the experimentation required in the scientific method.

The Evaluation (E) and comparison decision would be the Conclusion in the scientific method.

The Verification (V) validating the original decision by another examiner would confirm the process and conclusions required in the scientific method.

The recording of the details of the process should be recorded in the case folder or the electronic case record.

This is a much more professional way to explain the ACE-V process.

Bob McAuley Dir. Operations/Training Forensic Biometric Identification Solutions LLC.