Monday, December 21, 2009

Fingerprint Training Available for Attorney's

One of theme that runs through most of my blogs is the importance of having fingerprint evidence evaluated by a fingerprint expert. In theory this is a reasonable request, but practically, it may be cost prohibitive. An alternative is to have someone in the office receive the same basic training that a fingerprint expert would receive. The trained individual while not an expert would e the knowledge to evaluate a fingerprint case and:

know when to contract a fingerprint expert.

know if all the fingerprints were searched properly.

understand the importance of unidentified latents.

The training would be invaluable for a prosecutor or defense attorney's office. A course has been developed by FBIS-LLC available on-line in mid-January, that would offer the flexibility required to allow someone from a busy attorney's office to complete this type of fingerprint training. The training program is similar to what a new fingerprint examiner would receive at the state or federal level. Since the course is on-line there are no set hours of attendance or timetable for completion.

I also want to point out the training could be used by state and local law enforcement agencies and student's (criminal justice and para-legal programs), as a a basic fingerprint training course, with the ability to utilize the training in an agency remediation program. If you have any questions please visit our website or contact us at

Bob McAuley
Dir. Operations/Training
Forensic Biometric Identification Solutions LLC.

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